Sunday, 5 April 2009


I have joined in Sunday Scribblings today, where the prompt is 'Celebrate'.

Right now I am celebrating:

1. Spring - daffodils everywhere, bare arms and legs in the ever-early British rush to strip off and get into summer gear, the hordes of people walking along the seafront.

2. Finally feeling that writing is becoming part of my daily routine. I naturally slink off to the bedroom to do my 30 minutes each evening and I'm amazed at how much I can actually get done over the weeks.

3. Getting an article published in 'Writers in Education' magazine.

4. Sending off a short story I finished last week. Who gives a damn if it gets published or not, I am just so pleased I submitted something!

5. Running 40 minutes without stopping today. 10 k race in May here I come!

6. The little things - a warm cat in my lap, time to lie on the sofa in the afternoon sun and read, walking along by the sea and feeling so lucky to live where I do. 

What are you celebrating?


  1. I enjoyed your "Celebration" blog'
    Congrats on being published.
    I enjoyed your "who gives a dam" comment.
    Keep writing

  2. Welcome to Sunday Scribblings! I can relate to almost all those wonderful things you touch upon as causes for celebration - except for the running. I'm a little too old for that.

  3. Nice! All good things to celebrate!


  4. wonderful! Congratulations on your published work, your short story submission, your run and....YOU!

  5. Congratulations! Lovely celebrations, for sure. I'm particularly fond of the bare arms and legs but only because mine have been encased in dual or triple layers since November.

  6. "Sending off a short story I finished last week. Who gives a damn if it gets published or not, I am just so pleased I submitted something!"

    That is such a great attitude! And it means you'll be enjoying your writing, not fretting over whether someone else will like it or not.

    What am I celebrating? My ECG was normal. That's enough for me right now! ;)

  7. great celebrations!!
    good luck on the 10k.
    i'm a runner too :)
