Saturday, 21 August 2010

Stolen moments

Things are so much better when you have them just once in a while. English strawberries eaten just in summer taste so much better than dull ones flown over from the other side of the world in February. A meal out with girlfriends I had this week felt like such a special, treasured occasion now that most of my evenings are spent at home with the baby. And today, a few stolen hours to myself out of the house to have some head space to blog, plan and to write. It feels such bliss, but it really is a necessity that I should give myself each week.

I have barely written anything since Elijah was born. My journal is gathering dust at the side of the bed. In an attempt to plunge back into the writing life I have signed up for Amy's e-course, The Handmade Writer. Amy had the bright and generous idea of having a 'pay what you can day' to sign up to her course so I clicked the button and did it. I like supporting women who are setting up their own creative businesses, especially from my side of the world. I am looking forward to having prompts to write each week. And as someone who teaches creative writing myself through my Little Green Pig Writing Project I enjoy being the chance to be the student.

How do you carve out creative time for yourself and stick to it? I'd love to hear your ideas.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Monkey see, monkey do

So it seems that Elijah's passion for his monkey is shared by a certain, rising star, Mr Wobble. Wobble and his own monkey are inspiring artists all over the world - including Marisa at Creative Thursday, who painted this lovely picture. Here is our homage to Marisa's creation. Are there any more monkeys out there?

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


I woke up today at 6 am to the sound of the rain and a baby snuffling beside me. He managed to go back to sleep but I lay awake and listened to the sound of the rain, one of my favourite sounds. It was made even better by knowing that I can stay in and have a quiet day cosying up on the sofa with two of my favourite companions. In true British style - what's the weather like where you are today and how does it make you feel?