Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Three months

Dear E,

This day, three months ago, you were beginning to make your entry into the world. You arrived in a calm and happy rush, and seemed to sleep your way through the first month or so. You were a tiny dormouse, so small and fragile. We struggled to keep you awake and make you feed.

You have changed so much since then. Almost overnight you grew chubby thighs and rounded cheeks. Now your big blue eyes are always open, taking in the world around you. We sometimes struggle to make you sleep, you are so full of energy.

Each day with you is different. Some days are difficult, like when you cry won't sleep and I am desperate for some time to myself, even if just to get dressed. But you teach me to take each day, each moment, as it comes. Even if you have cried and thrashed to sleep, you will wake up happy and smiling. I would love to see the world through your eyes.

I can't wait to see what the next three months have in store for us.



Thursday, 15 July 2010

Mama lion

I was 5 or 6. In the playground at break time, some boys started picking on me. I am not sure why or how, but I remember their cruel words and kicks. When my mum collected me after school I was in tears. I told her what had happened she asked me to point out who had done this to me. My mother's love was fierce like a mama lion. She had a temper. My mum found these boys and told them never to touch me again. They didn't. I remember her holding me, my legs wrapped round her waist, my arms round her neck, feeling so safe and protected.

And now I have my own child to protect. Each night after feeding, I pick my son up in the dark of the early hours and carry him back to bed, his arms wrapped round me and his head buried in my neck. This moment is beautiful. I would do anything for my cub.
lioness on black
Originally uploaded by The Kruger Kid