Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Interview at 'Feet on the Ground'

I may have been quiet on this blog recently but I have been very busy in my offline life - back running writing workshops, applying for some freelance work, getting back into writing and preparing to move house! I will return soon, but in the meantime here is an interview I did for Dorothea's lovely blog Feet on the Ground. I really enjoyed having some time out in a cafe to mull over these questions with a chai latte. Sometimes we are so busy being mothers that we don't get time to reflect on all the work we are doing and why we take the approach we do.

You can read my interview here.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Five months in

Today baby E turns five months. Five months! Everyone always tells you how quickly it rushes by but I still can't quite believe that in just a few weeks it will be half a year since that sunny Tuesday that E entered the world. I am enjoying being a mum and having this time at home with him so much. It's also given me a little bit of time and space on those long buggy walks to think about the work I want to do. Everything shifts when you become a mama and the thought of going back to work in an office next year for someone else doesn't appeal much.

I have a few ideas on the back burner and I am concentrating on getting Little Green Pig, my writing project for children and young people, back up and running with some funding. I have started running fortnightly workshops again and it feels great to be using the creative side of my brain again. And I have started writing again finally! But more on that soon.

Monday, 20 September 2010

A week away

I admit, I am a bit of a homebody. I love the town where I live and I don't often feel the urge to get away, especially now I am lucky enough to be staying at home looking after baby E and pursuing my own projects rather than working in a job that doesn't quite suit.

But last week we packed up, hit the road and got away. We had a lovely week, split between a caravan in Dorset and a hotel in Bath. It was my first time in Bath and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. I wandered the streets feeling like I was in a Jane Austen drama. We stayed at an amazing hotel where I could go swimming and sauna-ing each day. Bliss.

But my favourite part? Hanging out with my two boys. No one can make baby E laugh as much as his dad can.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Stolen moments

Things are so much better when you have them just once in a while. English strawberries eaten just in summer taste so much better than dull ones flown over from the other side of the world in February. A meal out with girlfriends I had this week felt like such a special, treasured occasion now that most of my evenings are spent at home with the baby. And today, a few stolen hours to myself out of the house to have some head space to blog, plan and to write. It feels such bliss, but it really is a necessity that I should give myself each week.

I have barely written anything since Elijah was born. My journal is gathering dust at the side of the bed. In an attempt to plunge back into the writing life I have signed up for Amy's e-course, The Handmade Writer. Amy had the bright and generous idea of having a 'pay what you can day' to sign up to her course so I clicked the button and did it. I like supporting women who are setting up their own creative businesses, especially from my side of the world. I am looking forward to having prompts to write each week. And as someone who teaches creative writing myself through my Little Green Pig Writing Project I enjoy being the chance to be the student.

How do you carve out creative time for yourself and stick to it? I'd love to hear your ideas.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Monkey see, monkey do

So it seems that Elijah's passion for his monkey is shared by a certain, rising star, Mr Wobble. Wobble and his own monkey are inspiring artists all over the world - including Marisa at Creative Thursday, who painted this lovely picture. Here is our homage to Marisa's creation. Are there any more monkeys out there?

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


I woke up today at 6 am to the sound of the rain and a baby snuffling beside me. He managed to go back to sleep but I lay awake and listened to the sound of the rain, one of my favourite sounds. It was made even better by knowing that I can stay in and have a quiet day cosying up on the sofa with two of my favourite companions. In true British style - what's the weather like where you are today and how does it make you feel?

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Three months

Dear E,

This day, three months ago, you were beginning to make your entry into the world. You arrived in a calm and happy rush, and seemed to sleep your way through the first month or so. You were a tiny dormouse, so small and fragile. We struggled to keep you awake and make you feed.

You have changed so much since then. Almost overnight you grew chubby thighs and rounded cheeks. Now your big blue eyes are always open, taking in the world around you. We sometimes struggle to make you sleep, you are so full of energy.

Each day with you is different. Some days are difficult, like when you cry won't sleep and I am desperate for some time to myself, even if just to get dressed. But you teach me to take each day, each moment, as it comes. Even if you have cried and thrashed to sleep, you will wake up happy and smiling. I would love to see the world through your eyes.

I can't wait to see what the next three months have in store for us.



Thursday, 15 July 2010

Mama lion

I was 5 or 6. In the playground at break time, some boys started picking on me. I am not sure why or how, but I remember their cruel words and kicks. When my mum collected me after school I was in tears. I told her what had happened she asked me to point out who had done this to me. My mother's love was fierce like a mama lion. She had a temper. My mum found these boys and told them never to touch me again. They didn't. I remember her holding me, my legs wrapped round her waist, my arms round her neck, feeling so safe and protected.

And now I have my own child to protect. Each night after feeding, I pick my son up in the dark of the early hours and carry him back to bed, his arms wrapped round me and his head buried in my neck. This moment is beautiful. I would do anything for my cub.
lioness on black
Originally uploaded by The Kruger Kid

Monday, 7 June 2010


I have been on a blog hiatus. A very long hiatus. An 'I'm not sure about this whole blog thing, I might just give up' type hiatus. In the midst of this break, in fact just a few days after I wrote my last post in August, a little seed was planted during a magical storm. This seed took nine months to blossom. He will be six weeks old tomorrow.

And suddenly I have had the urge to blog again. To record this new adventure. So here I am. Tired, half-dressed and hungry. But happy. My baby boy in a sling round my neck making little squeaks in his sleep, and a cat trying to find a bit of lap to sit on.

I'm going to hit publish before I change my mind.