Saturday 1 August 2009

The comfort of words

I love listening to words as well as reading them. I have always loved listening to stories, audiobooks on car and train journeys and the radio. I grew up with a mother who always had Radio 4 on in the background, as now I do, when I am cooking, cleaning, working.

Recently I have discovered the lovely podcasts by Marisa at Creative Thursday. Marisa's words have been inspiring me as I go on rainy evening walks, on sunny morning bus journeys to work, during moments at the day job where I feel I can't type out a single more word (yes, we are allowed to wear ipods at work). I love hearing the story of someone who has taken risks, jumped right in and is leading a truly creative life and is willing to share all she has learnt.

You can listen to Marisa's podcasts here at Creative Thursday.

What words are you listening to?