Saturday 31 January 2009

Early morning pages

I have been doing Julia Cameron's morning pages now for a couple of months. It means I have to get up at 6.20 to fit it in between feeding the cat, spoonfuls of porridge and rushing out the door to the day job with my hair still slightly wet. I am not a morning person. But I have grown to love this twenty minutes of quiet before the world, and even the sun, wakes up. I feel as if I could write and write. It is such good practice. If you haven't already tried it, do. 

Tuesday 27 January 2009

It started with a name

Did anyone else have trouble coming up with a name for their blog? Each one I chose seemed to already be taken.  Mostly by people who'd written about two posts in 2004 and nothing since.I wanted to get the rain in there somewhere. I'm not really sure why. Sometimes I love the rain - the sound of it especially, or the smell of city streets after a shower. It reminds me of my school playground in London.  Now I have chosen a name for this blog I have no excuse but to get writing.